Listen to our 2017 Concerts Playlist

15 December 2017

We're feeling nostalgic, so we took a look back on the year and listened to all the music we performed at the Ingenium Academy in summer 2017...


Listen to the Ingenium Academy 2017 concert repertoire playlist


Every week at the Ingenium Academy, our students give a public concert. This means we perform a lot of music - over 4 hours this summer alone!

Looking back on a great year of music-making, we've put together this playlist of all our concert repertoire from the 2017 summer course:



Interested in spending your summer at the Ingenium Academy?


Places sell out quickly, particularly certain instruments, so don't delay - apply before the Earlybird Deadline and avoid disappointment!


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Want to find out more? Get in touch by emailing us at, or call us on +44 (0)20 7060 4076.
